F.A.C.E is a techno-cultural committee of S.P.I.T that is exclusively for the Computer Engineering Department. We aim to make the learning fun with various engaging workshops. Some of our flagship events like Monsoon Trek, FACE Cup and Branch Day strengthen the bonds of friendship among Computer students along with working as fun distractor to their fully loaded minds.
We believe that the students have many dimensions to grow. Just with degrees, any engineer’s personality can not be completed. FACE, Forum for Aspiring Computer Engineers is the department level platform for the students to acquire and show their various skills not limited to only technical and professional but also life skills, soft skills and to grow with holistic personality development. It is the local platform of the students, run by the department students for the students. Here, students enjoy hard work required to conduct various events with varying experiences ranging from academics to cultural in-spite of their own schedule. I believe, on this platform students learn the significance of hard work and team work. On behalf of institute, I give my best wishes to my dear students with this quote “Teamwork gives an uncommon results from the common people ”.